If you’re wondering why this blog has been silent for a couple of weeks, it is because my mother, who was in failing health, passed away this week. When my brother let us know she was likely in her last days, we left the trailer at a friend’s house in Minneapolis and flew to Philadelphia to be with her. 

I was at her bedside when she died peacefully in her sleep. While we are sad to see our mother go, her quality of life had degraded so much that we felt her passing was for the best. Our sincerest thanks to everyone who reached out with condolences and messages of support.

We skipped two weeks of our planned journey in Minnesota, so we’ll have to return some other time to visit those places. We are fortunate that it was relatively easy to take that time off without having to worry about work or other daily concerns. Now we’ll pick up where we left off, and I’ll post soon about the last adventures we had before we left the road.

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2 thoughts on “A break to say farewell

  1. I’m really enjoying your travel blog. Thank you for taking me along on your journey.
    Also, sending my sympathy on the loss of your mother. It’s good that you were able to be with her at the end.

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